Monthly Finance Update #34
February Update, 2022.
Income after tax: 15.719 dkk 2113 €
Income yearly dividend: 14.500 dkk 1949 €
Invested amount: 14.500 dkk 1949 €
Invested into savings: 9177 dkk 1233 €
Savings rate: 78 %
Total invested in indexes: 303.613 dkk 40822 €
Another decline this month due to the crazy situation in Ukraine. A very unfortunate war that hopefully will be resolved peacefully.
Getting very used to volatility in the portfolio which is how it should be. Doesn’t move me one bit as the portfolio strategy is a set and forget ( which hopefully will mean a steady growth over many years! ).
February – Portfolio change since previous month -1,97%
The yearly dividend was paid out this month which ended up being 14,500 Danish kroner. Quite a high dividend payout per. share meaning it was extra high this year. Great!
I’ve decided to invest the dividends straight back into the portfolio as the current market has been falling the previous weeks and therefore more attractive prices on indexes. The reason, why I’m not investing more at the moment is that it’s still a little uncertain about our secret plans in May where I may need some capital ready for unsuspected costs.
I’ll let you in on the secret when we get closer!
The total index amount therefore also shows a continuation of the drop since New Years.
Tiny House progress
Springs is near which means it only takes very little firewood to heat up the house with the suns heat covering the heating bill most of the day even though the outside temperature is close to 0 Celsius degrees.
Low costs helping on the way towards financial freedom. Thank you, tiny house !
- Updates on the tiny house build from start to finish will be shared on the Facebook page.
Danish readers can join the group ‘Det Lille Potentiale, Tiny House’.
I hope your savings rate was steady and high this month!
Financial update #34 over and out